Welcome to Donut House Studios
Our Story
Encouraging Love for the Arts
A neon Donut House sign in the Cannery Trade Center was the inspiration for our studio space dream. Donut House studios is a place for all artists, creatives and makers to grow. Many artists struggle with studio spaces in basements, garages and most frequently on the kitchen table. We believe having dedicated work spaces and individuals to collaborate with is integral to artistic expression and growth.
Services Provided
**New Kids Clay Club**
under the classes tab
Pottery Memberships are available NOW!!
Memberships are $160/mth and include 24 hr access
Book a tour and review the guidelines (under our membership tab)
for detailed information
Studio spaces for Rent
We currently have NO space for rent
You may call to book a tour and get on our waitlist anytime
Call us to book a tour
604 831 5391

Classroom space for rent
We are currently not booking single days or workshops. Class series of 3 or more are required to book.
Non Member Rate:
First 3 hrs @ $22/hr
additional hrs @ $13/hr
Member Rate:
First 3 hrs @ $17/hr
additional hrs @ $12/hr
*3 hr minimum for all bookings

"Works of art make rules; rules do not make works of art"